Family secrets, lies, high drama and generations of contemporary history unspool in this international story that begins with World War II and concludes with an emotional 21st-century family reunion. Izak was born inside the Bergen-Belsen displaced persons camp in 1945 and sent for adoption in Israel. Secret details of his birth mother, an unknown brother in Canada and his father's true identity slowly emerge in this extremely personal investigative film. Timely questions of identity, resilience, compassion and the plight of displaced persons are brought to life as Izak and Shep, the almost 70-year-old brothers, finally meet in Canada, then head to a nursing home in Quebec to introduce Shep to his elderly mother, Aida, for the first time.
At the very least, this is a major awards contender, and at best, and
hopefully for its director Alon Schwarz, this is the start of a long
and successful career in film-making. A story that reunites two long
lost brothers after 60 years apart is utterly heart-breaking from the
start, gripping throughout, and heart warming at the end. With a story
so personal to its director (as its his own Uncle that this film
revolves around), and with such emotional, historic and universal
themes (of brotherly love, and discovering the truth about your
parents), this will connect with all who see it and is sure to move
you, to bring a tear to your eye and to make you think about it and
discuss it long after the film finishes. A documentary that seems like
a feature film because the story is so gripping, the research so
impeccable and the film making so skillful that this only deserves to
find a major theatrical release amongst independent cinemas across the
world. Look out for it at many upcoming awards festivals. I saw this in
London last week and look forward to seeing it again!