Storyline As a toxin begins to turn the residents of Ogden Marsh, Iowa into violent psychopaths, sheriff David Dutton tries to make sense of the situation while he, his wife, and two other unaffected townspeople band together in a fight for survival.
Writers: Scott Kosar, Ray Wright
Cast: Timothy Olyphant
Radha Mitchell
Joe Anderson
Danielle Panabaker
Christie Lynn Smith
Deardra Farnum
Brett Rickaby
Bill Farnum
Preston Bailey
John Aylward
Mayor Hobbs
Joe Reegan
Pvt. Billy Babcock
Glenn Morshower
Intelligence Officer
Larry Cedar
Ben Sandborn
Gregory Sporleder
Travis Quinn
Mike Hickman
Rory Hamill
Lisa K. Wyatt
Peggy Hamill
Justin Welborn
Curt Hammil
Opening Weekend: $16,067,552
(28 February 2010)
(2 Screens)
Gross: $39,103,378
(16 May 2010)
Technical Specs
Did You Know?
If you read the graffiti on the jail cell wall, one appears to say "Romero".
When they are in the car wash, when Russell is shooting his gun out of the window, you can clearly see and hear his gun drop when David grabs him. Yet in the next scene, he has his gun in his hand again.
[first lines]
Becca Darling:
Um, Dr. Dutton, my aunt's in town. Judy Dutton:
Um hmm... Becca Darling:
And she's sick too. Judy Dutton:
Phew, I'm going to need you to stay late tonight. You know, you should probably text your aunt - Scotty - and tell him you can't make it to the baseball game tonight.
User Review
Nothing new here, but so good that it mostly makes up for that
Rating: 8/10
In the last several years we've seen more than a dozen movies about
people becoming infected by a virus who then turn on and kill those
around them. '28 Days Later' is one of the most popular and also one of
the best. Sure the concept was nothing new, but the film was made with
enough style and had such strong talent involved that it ended better
than just another by-the-numbers outbreak movie. It was a hit and
unsurprisingly was followed by a slew of clones, many of which are not
really worth your time. One of the earliest examples of this is the
1973 film 'The Crazies' by George Romero, which too spawned a few
imitations. Well now with all these popular titles getting remade
someone decided this film too was ready for the redux treatment, and
though it features little to nothing audiences haven't already seen,
it, like '28 Days Later,' is a film made with care and the result is a
great time at the movies.
Pros: Though the characters are pretty thin, the actors give strong
performances and add some depth to their roles. A pretty good score
that keeps one on edge. Perfectly paced, starting slow and then letting
loose the rest of the time. Gorgeous photography and country scenery.
Some good scary moments. Also some pretty suspenseful sequences.
Faithful enough to the original to please fans, while standing on it's
own enough that it's not a simple rehash. Some humor here and there to
keep things from getting deadly serious.
Cons: If you've seen one virus outbreak movie you've seen them all.
Pretty predictable. Doesn't really give us a chance to breath once the
pace picks up. Plot wears thin after the characters and premise are
Final thoughts: Movie buffs complain that there aren't enough original
movies being made in Hollywood, and they're right. And I'm not saying
that we shouldn't keep pushing for that, but I don't think we should
dismiss every film simply because of it's lack of originality. If it's
made by people with a lot of talent who always work hard to try and
make a good film then it could be worth seeing. This one here is one
heck of a good time at the movies, better than most remakes really.
Give it a whirl.