The story of three teenagers: a beautiful girl, Vanessa, and two boys, Mickael and Clement, one rich...
Release Year: 2005
Rating: 6.2/10 (1,051 voted)
Antony Cordier
Stars: Johan Libéreau, Salomé Stévenin, Florence Thomassin
Storyline The story of three teenagers: a beautiful girl, Vanessa, and two boys, Mickael and Clement, one rich, one poor. The story of Mickael - judo fanatic and doomed lover - and his parents, both convinced that the sky will one day come crashing down on their heads, and both more than able to cope when it does. Blackly comic, brutally funny, heartbreaking, truthful. A tragi-comedy. About happiness and hardship, sex, luck and catastrophe.
Writers: Antony Cordier, Julie Peyr
Cast: Johan Libéreau
Salomé Stévenin
Florence Thomassin
Jean-Philippe Écoffey
Claire Nebout
Mathilde Steiner
Aurélien Recoing
Louis Steiner
Pierre Perrier
Denis Falgoux
Magali Woch
Camille Japy
Dominique Cabrera
Steve Tran
Tranh, -66 kg
Olivier Dote-Doevi
Xavier, -81 kg
Yoann Monjal
Arnaud, -90 kg
Benoît Bourse
Bruno, +90 kg
Filming Locations: La Rochelle, Charente-Maritime, France
Technical Specs
User Review
Totally Honest and Sincere
Rating: 8/10
This film deserves a chance to be seen. This teenage coming-of-age
story from France tells nicely against a backdrop of martial arts
(judo), competition, and sex. But it goes beyond to show some nice
subtleties where class, success, and desire play out against one
another to really give you a sense of what the main character is going
through. I was pulled in. And the story just seemed to work and be very
real and personal for me.
The director, who was present at this Toronto International Film
Festival screening, mentioned the story started out as a school project
-- something that garnered accolades beyond his expectations. It then
grew into a judo documentary, before morphing again into a personal
coming-of-age story with the director's personal story touches.
The result was excellent and succeeds on many accounts. I'd say it's
worth checking out.