ANTHROPOID is based on the extraordinary true story of Operation Anthropoid, the World War II mission to assassinate SS General Reinhard Heydrich. The Reich's third in command after Hitler and Himmler, Heydrich was the main architect behind the Final Solution and the leader of occupying Nazi forces in Czechoslovakia whose reign of terror prompted self-exiled Czech and Slovak soldiers (Cillian Murphy and Jamie Dornan) to hatch a top-secret mission that would change the face of Europe forever.
Writers: Sean Ellis, Anthony Frewin, Jamie Dornan, Cillian Murphy, Brian Caspe, Jamie Dornan, Cillian Murphy, Brian Caspe, Karel Hermánek Jr., Sara Arsteinova, Hana Frejková, Sean Mahon, Jan Hájek, Marcin Dorocinski, Toby Jones, Alena Mihulová, Bill Milner, Charlotte Le Bon, Pavel Reznícek, Anna Geislerová, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Cast: Jamie Dornan -
Jan Kubis
Cillian Murphy -
Josef Gabcík
Brian Caspe -
Karel Hermánek Jr. -
Sara Arsteinova -
Woman at 44
(as Sara Arnsteinova)
Hana Frejková -
Mrs. Lukesová
Sean Mahon -
Dr. Eduard
Jan Hájek -
Bretislav Bauman
Marcin Dorocinski -
Ladislav Vanek
Toby Jones -
Uncle Hajský
Alena Mihulová -
Mrs. Moravec
Bill Milner -
Charlotte Le Bon -
Marie Kovárníková
Pavel Reznícek -
Mr. Moravec
Anna Geislerová -
Lenka Fafková
The interior of the Saint Cyril and Methodius Cathedral was build on stage 8 of Barrandov studios in Prague, Czech Republic. 40 people participated in the construction of the set with dimensions 15 x 35 x 14 sq m. The ceiling weighed 16 tons and was produced separately on the ground and then pulled up with 38 chain winches. 910 bags of concrete, 300 bags of plaster, 90 sq m of glass and 3,300 sq m of wooden boards were used for the construction. See more »
User Review
Rating: 10/10
Mission - To assassinate a top ranking Nazi Officer, Reinhard Heydrich.
Not many films leave me feeling this much emotion.. so much so, I felt
the need to write my 2nd review in around 5 years! I thought the
casting was an interesting choice and Cillian Murphy and Jamie Dornan
didn't disappoint but I really loved Anna Geislerova. Although most of
the action is towards the end of the film, the lead up to the events
gave a good insight to the characters which I find some films lack as
they are too busy concentrating on special effects, rather than getting
to know the characters. . I found myself holding my breath on many
occasions! A truly gripping finale and I will definitely be watching
this again.