A drama set in the American South, where a precocious, troubled girl finds a safe haven in the music and movement of Elvis Presley.
Release Year: 2007
Rating: 6.1/10 (3,395 voted)
Critic's Score: 31/100
Deborah Kampmeier
Stars: Dakota Fanning, David Morse, Piper Laurie
Storyline A drama set in the American South, where a precocious, troubled girl finds a safe haven in the music and movement of Elvis Presley.
Cast: Dakota Fanning
Granoldo Frazier
Band Member D
(as Grenaldo Frazier)
Isabelle Fuhrman
Cody Hanford
Piper Laurie
Charlie Lucas
Band Member A
Herman McCloud
Band Member B
Chandler McIntyre
Buddy's Mother
David Morse
Robin Mullins
Afemo Omilami
Tom Oppenheim
Tim Parati
Ryan Pelton
Robin Wright
Stranger Lady
(as Robin Wright Penn)
Every heart has an awakening. Every soul needs a song.
Filming Locations: Orton Plantation, North Carolina, USA
Box Office Details
Budget: $3,750,000
Opening Weekend: $13,744
(21 September 2008)
(11 Screens)
Gross: $128,092
(7 December 2008)
Technical Specs
Did You Know?
Headlines about the rape scene came out on July 21, 2006, the very day that the movie wrapped filming.
The 45 rpm record that Lewellen's father gave her in the truck (supposedly by Elvis on RCA) is apparently a reissue of an original which did not exist at the time.
Quotes: Stranger Lady:
Lewellen, I'm sorry. I just... I had some things I had to tend to back at home. Lewellen:
[mimicking her]
Oh, I just had such busy, busy things to do. I just forgot all about 'em, plumb forgot. Silly me. Stranger Lady:
I'm sorry. I shouldna said that about your daddy, that he was gonna leave with me. He didn't say that. Lewellen:
Oh, I've known your daddy for a long, long time. He's always comin' back. I didn't just meet your daddy at some local bar like I did this man towin' my car. I've known him for a long time. Oh, rescue me! Please rescue me! I'm a sinner! I'm a liar and a sinner! Please rescue me!
User Review
Nothing Special...
Overall this was actually a bad movie, and really not anything
different from that of any other movie of this genre. It struggled to
get the main point across, and at many times it began to drag as I
found myself looking at my watch more and more.
As for the acting, Dakota herself did not live up to the self hype. I
strongly doubt she will succeed in her goal in getting a Oscar
Nomination, as her performance was mediocre and failed to live up to
any expectations. A disappointment considering some of her other great
performances. However, no acting could have saved this film due to a
bad script and lousy directing.
Ever since headlines about the supposed "Dakota Fanning Rape Scene"
came out on July 21, 2006, this movie has been made out to be 10,000
times worse than it is. Nothing is really shown in "the rape scene" or
any other scenes, it takes place in a dark room and all you see is
Dakota's facial reactions and hear her cry out, and the whole thing is
under a minute long. So basically it was a big fuss over nothing, but
unfortunately there will still be some people who haven't even seen it
attempting to make the film worse than it actually is.
3/10 - Nothing original here, nor was it worth all the talk.