Storyline Following the tragic death of their two-year-old son Frankie, Irish couple Johnny and Sarah Sullivan and their remaining two offspring, 10 year old Christy Sullivan and 5 year old Ariel Sullivan, emigrate illegally to the United States via Canada with little in their pockets. Their final destination is Manhattan where Johnny hopes to work as a stage actor. They move into a unit in a run town tenement housed primarily with drug addicts, transvestites and one tenant coined "the man who screams". They do whatever they can to eke out a supportive family environment in this difficult situation, the support which ultimately extends to those around them, most specifically "the screamer" who turns out to be an African-American artist named Mateo with AIDS. But the memory of Frankie hangs over the family in good and bad ways, especially as Sarah learns she's pregnant. Christy...
Writers: Jim Sheridan, Naomi Sheridan
Cast: Paddy Considine
Samantha Morton
Sarah Bolger
Emma Bolger
Neal Jones
Immigration Officer #1
Randall Carlton
Immigration Officer #2
Ciaran Cronin
Djimon Hounsou
Juan Carlos Hernández
(as Juan Hernandez)
Nye Heron
Blind Man
Jason Salkey
Rene Millan
Sara James
Papo's Girlfriend
Bob Gallico
Theatre Director
Jason Killalee
Assistant Theatre Director
Filming Locations: Ardmore Studios, Herbert Road, Bray, County Wicklow, Ireland
Opening Weekend: £284,259
(2 November 2003)
(87 Screens)
Gross: $15,539,266
(6 June 2004)
Technical Specs
Did You Know?
The child actors (Sarah Bolger and Emma Bolger) called "cut" and "action" in every scene. This was decided by the director and the girls early during filming, so that it would make the acting easier for them.
Revealing mistakes:
In the ball throwing scene at the carnival, as Johnny throws the last ball and the camera goes to a blurry slow-motion movement, you can see that the ball is still in his hand as it goes down yet a ball is seen entering the hole.
[first lines]
There's some things you should wish for and some things you shouldn't. That's what my little brother Frankie told me. He told me I only had three wishes, and I looked into his eyes, and I don't know why I believed him.
User Review
Two Stars Are Born, in a Touching, Powerful, Sensitive, Positive and Magnificent Movie
Rating: 9/10
Johnny (Paddy Considine), Sarah (Samantha Morton), Christy (Sarah
Bolger) and Ariel (Emma Bolger) are a catholic Irish family, looking
for a better life in America. They lost their beloved son and brother
Frankie in an accident, and the family, specially Johnny and Sarah, is
traumatized with his death. Johnny tries to find a job as an actor, but
he lost his emotions and feelings with the death of Frankie and can not
find a job, working as a taxi driver to support his family. Without any
money, they move to a junkie building, where they become friend of
Mateo (Djimon Hounsou), an African painter who has a serious disease,
apparently AIDS. Their lives change and Johnny and Sarah learn to face
and heal their wounds with the arrival of the baby and the friendship
of Mateo.
"In America" is a magnificent and very positive tale of friendship and
survival. The story is very simple and dramatic, but never corny, and
the very convincing performance of the cast is amazing and touching.
Jim Sheridan was able to direct the six years old Emma Bolger and
achieve an outstanding performance in the role of Ariel. Her eleven
years old sister, Sarah Bolger, has also a stunning dramatic and key
role in the story. I dare to write that two stars are born!
Summarizing, "In America" is a highly recommended touching, powerful,
sensitive, positive and magnificent movie. My vote is nine.
Title (Brazil): "Terra dos Sonhos" ("Land of the Dreams")