The story focuses on a man who suffers "anesthetic awareness" and finds himself awake and aware, but paralyzed, during heart surgery. His mother must wrestle with her own demons as a drama unfolds around them, while trying to unfold the story hidden behind her son's young wife.
Release Year: 2007
Rating: 6.5/10 (35,673 voted)
Critic's Score: 33/100
Joby Harold
Stars: Hayden Christensen, Jessica Alba, Terrence Howard
Storyline While undergoing open heart surgery, a man's failed anesthetic leaves him completely alert, but paralyzed and unable to tell his doctors
Cast: Hayden Christensen
Clay Beresford
Jessica Alba
Sam Lockwood
Terrence Howard
Dr. Jack Harper
Lena Olin
Lilith Beresford
Christopher McDonald
Dr. Larry Lupin
Sam Robards
Clayton Beresford Sr.
Arliss Howard
Dr. Jonathan Neyer
Fisher Stevens
Dr. Puttnam
Georgina Chapman
Penny Carver
David Harbour
Steven Hinkle
Young Clay
(as Stephen Hinkle)
Denis O'Hare
Financial News Analyst
Charlie Hewson
Brian the Orderly
Court Young
Officer Doherty
Joseph Costa
Dr. Elbogen
The most terrifying thriller of the fall.
Filming Locations: 18 East 68th Street, New York City, New York, USA
Box Office Details
Budget: $8,600,000
Opening Weekend: $5,856,872
(2 December 2007)
(2002 Screens)
Gross: $32,685,679
Technical Specs
Did You Know?
The tagline is a gross misrepresentation of statistics. The actual estimate of awareness during anesthesia is 1:14000 for high risk patients to as low as 1:42000.
Errors made by characters (possibly deliberate errors by the filmmakers):
In the flashback where Clay is initially rushed to the ER, Dr. Harper says 'We have a massive heart attack, possible MI'. MI is an abbreviation for myocardial infarction which is commonly known as a heart attack.
Quotes: Clay Beresford:
[on being scolded on Dr. Jack]
He's my friend mother, I trust him.
User Review
Caught a preview screening of this tonight and I'm awfully excited about it
I'm not going to put any spoilers in this review, but this is certainly
a movie with some great twists and turns. I haven't been this excited
about an upcoming release since The Sixth Sense or Memento. Hard to
believe this is the director's first feature (although it's possible he
cut his teeth in the commercial or music video world... I'm not sure) I
mean, certainly the film has a few problems, some of the moments didn't
ring exactly true to me and the music was a touch maudlin at times. But
when this film gets it right, it gets it really right. I was on the
edge of my seat from the second act on. It's the first film I've seen
in awhile that manages to balance a genuine emotionality with a strong
thriller aspect. Even Hayden Christensen, who I think we all had our
doubts about after Episodes I-III, puts in a memorable and affecting
performance. Definitely a film to see and a director I'll be keeping my
eye on.