Storyline Tommaso is the youngest son of the Cantones, a large, traditional southern Italian family operating a pasta-making business since the 1960s. On a trip home from Rome, where he studies literature and lives with his boyfriend, Tommaso decides to tell his parents the truth about himself. But when he is finally ready to come out in front of the entire family, his older brother Antonio ruins his plans.
Opening Weekend: $2,861,655
(14 March 2010)
(427 Screens)
Gross: $10,273,092
(11 April 2010)
Technical Specs
User Review
Ozpetek's heart
Rating: 7/10
Ferzan Ozpetek's affection for his characters is truly contagious. A
bunch of assorted family members exchange publicly or privately some of
their own personal truths. I sat at a Roman movie house with a loving
public that not merely followed Ozpetek's world but also became part of
it. Riccardo Scamarccio's beautiful face observes and reacts to his own
existential dilemma. We're with him even if we can't totally understand
his fears. We are in a world that's grown considerably in the last few
years but the problematic seems to belong to another era. The father is
a bit of a reactionary monster with a very human face. Loved the
grandmother, a superlative Ilaria Occhini and the complicated aunt in a
wonderful creation by Elena Sofia Ricci.