Eric, a highly-gifted golfer but radically-undisciplined college undergrad, finds his world drastically altered after losing a golf bet to a pair of sadistic plastic surgeons...
Release Year: 2010
Rating: 2.8/10 (1,464 voted)
Drew Ann Rosenberg
Stars: Steve Talley, David Ellison, Dean Cameron
Storyline Eric, a highly-gifted golfer but radically-undisciplined college undergrad, finds his world drastically altered after losing a golf bet to a pair of sadistic plastic surgeons. Eric's bad-boy attitude lifestyle comes to a screeching halt as he loses his money, his girlfriend, his dignity and his golf swing. Eric and his best friend Tyler decide to take on the doctors, in a final golf match of "Best-Ball" to get his life back and become the man he should have been all along.
Writers: Mike Terrell, Mark Maine
Cast: Steve Talley
Eric P. Keller
David Ellison
Tyler Hayden
Dean Cameron
Dr. Carlton Piedmont
Christopher Showerman
Dr. Hamilton Manning
Sandra Lynn Ellison
Mandy Hayden
(as Sandy Modic)
K.T. Tatara
Mark Zbeitnefski
Jerad Anderson
Jason Jones
Jossara Jinaro
Joslyn Whitmore
Dean Cain
Repo Man
Patrick Hubbard
Roman Helbron
Thomas Aske Berg
Fergus MacGuinness
Rico E. Anderson
Darius 'Ice Pyk' Vernon
Jordan Engle
JoJo the Photographer
Jillie Reil
Cheryl - Doctor's Assistant
Steve Giannelli
Dan Daniels
Filming Locations: Borrego Springs, California, USA
Box Office Details
Budget: $200,000
Technical Specs
User Review
Should be "Hole in None"
Rating: 2/10
Wow, this is one of the most boring and long-dragging "comedies" I have
ever seen. And I use the word "comedy" sarcastically here, because I
didn't laugh once throughout this entire movie.
Based from the cover, I thought this was going to be another mainstream
teen comedies, but wow, was I wrong! This movie was far from funny. It
turned out to be a tedious and bad movie to sit through.
I am not really much of a Steve Talley fan, but this movie is even
below what he usually pumps out to DVD. At least some of the previous
movies he was in were funny.
Anyway, this is not a personal attack on Mr. Talley, so moving right on
along. Seeing Dean Cain in a role such as the one he had in this movie,
was sort of the bright moments in the movie, although his character did
not have enough leverage to carry this movie or keep it afloat.
The movie suffers from a horrible plot, and a totally unbelievable
storyline. I mean, come on, losing a game of golf and ending up with...
Well, I am not spoiling the movie and saying what it is. But trust me,
when you see it, you will think just like I did. Stuff like that
doesn't happen, not even in movies! That is just preposterous, it is so
far out there. And it is not even remotely funny.
I my opinion, there are far more funnier movies out there, especially
if you like the standard "teenage comedy" genre. This movie is a weak
attempt to cash in on that market. Actually, you are left with a stale
taste in your mouth once the movie is over, it seems to be nothing more
than an excuse to get to show women topless on movie. This is a sad,
sad excuse for a comedy movie.
Definitely not worth the time or effort, unless you might be a die hard
fan of Steve Talley or Dean Cain.